VT 320 Terminal Emulation with SSH Secure Shell Support
Secure VT320 Emulator/Telnet CommunicationsMinisoft Secure 320 for Windows 3.1 to XP. Secure 320 for Windows is a robust DEC VT320 terminal emulator and Telnet communications program for accessing VMS and UNIX host applications. *Now supporting Windows 10!

MS320 now includes Wyse 50 emulation.
Secure 320 emulates the ANSI, WY50, VT52, VT100, VT220 and VT320 terminal types, while supporting advanced Windows functionality like Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). File transfers are fast and easy with built-in Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, and sliding windows Kermit. FTP is included with the Minisoft NFT protocol.
Multiple host sessions can be run in separate windows and each session window can be resized, with automatic scaling of the display fonts to full screen size. Text and numeric displays maintain readability whether set to 80 or 132 columns.
The user interface employs the Microsoft Control 3D look, and the display includes a Maximized Workspace option that hides the fixed tool bar, menu bar, command line, and status line, so the entire application window can be used as the terminal screen. A Key Mapper displays a graphic representation of your selected keyboard, allowing interactive remapping of the keys to strings, tokens, escape sequences, and commands.
Secure 320 is fully WinSock-compliant with network support for TCP/IP, Telnet, Interrupt 14, LAT, and CTERM. Serial and modem connections are supported on COM1 through COM4 with baud rates up to 115,200.
Network File Transfer (NFT) is an optional method of file transfer that is included with Secure 320.
Emulation:Secure 320 can run any application designed for DEC VT320, VT220, VT100 or VT52 terminals. Also supported are Wyse 50 and ANSI types. Key VT320 features, such as double-height/double-width characters, 132-column mode, multi-national and National Replacement Character sets, are precisely emulated.
Local printer support: All VT320 printer modes are supported using Windows printer drivers. Screens can be printed in 80 or 132-column mode. Under host or local control, Secure 320 can be switched to auto or controller print mode to print reports from the host computer system. Printer output can be redirected to a disk file in generic ASCII format or in a printer-specific format.
User Interface
Toolbars: A programmable toolbar, which can be either fixed or floating, is a standard feature. The fixed toolbar can be displayed horizontally or vertically, or can be turned off. It contains ten short-cut icons to display help, perform file transfers, gain access to the modem dialer, change from 80 to 132-column display, activate WordPerfect 5.1 mode, print the screen, switch between emulation instances, maximize workspace, or exit. The definable floating toolbar can be placed anywhere on the Windows desktop. Keystroke combinations can be programmed to a toolbar icon, which when clicked sends a string to the host. Programmed buttons can include text and/or graphics.
Keyboard Remapping: DEC LK250, DEC LK450, standard IBM, and international keyboards are supported. Custom keyboard configurations can be easily created with the Key Mapper. Keys can be defined to send a string to the host, execute a command file, relocate a VT320 function key and more.
Display Lines: The number of lines displayed in the emulation window is variable from 24 to 48. This feature is useful when running VMS or UNIX editors or for applications requiring a 25-line display. The current row and column can be displayed on the status line.
Multi-Instance Interface: Switching between multiple sessions of the emulator is easy and does not require the use of the Program Manager. All current sessions of the emulator are displayed in the Switch dialog box, and can be selected by double-clicking it.
IBM PC Character Set: When connected to a VMS or UNIX host, the emulator uses the default DEC multinational character set. Most bulletin boards use the IBM PC character set. When the IBM PC character set is selected, line drawing characters on bulletin boards will be displayed correctly.
Modem Dialer: A built-in phonebook that can store up to 50 numbers makes modem access easy. Each phone number can be associated with a settings file and a command file to automate login. The dialer also supports modem initialization and credit card dialing strings. Screen
Scrollback: Data that scrolls off the screen can be recalled by using the scroll bars. A scroll back buffer size of up to 999 K-bytes can be selected. Cut and paste and printing from scroll memory are supported.
Extended Features
Secure 320 has many features that far surpass the functionality of the VT320 terminal. Included are:
- Color Support – configure specific color combinations such as bold, reverse video, and underlining. Support for standard ANSI color control sequences allows the host computer to control the color of the characters.
- Command Language – a powerful DCL-like command language may be used to write scripts to automate repetitive tasks such as logging in, transferring files, and creating DDE procedures.
- DDE – support for DDE, through the MS320 command language, which can be used in commands to start another application, transmit data to/from another application, or execute commands in another application.
File Transfer: Sliding windows Kermit, FTP, ASCII, Xmodem, Ymodem, and Zmodem file transfer capabilities are included. Files can be transferred in the background while the status box is displayed or while the emulator is reduced to an icon, and may be automated through command files or by host command sequences.